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Are you looking to add value to your premier club and teams? Want to develop top-tier athletes and, indeed, provide an elite experience? There is no better way to have your team training to prevent injuries and get stronger, faster, more agile, and more powerful than to provide a practical approach with LTAD Sport and Fitness. Best of all, club leaders and coaches receive reports on athlete training analytics. You may customize analytics to include practices, games, and more...

  • Receive performance training and nutrition guidance based on goals, needs, and abilities.

  • Receive athlete development, fitness, and wellness information based on club and team goals.

  • Experience ongoing comprehensive and exceptional guidance, coaching,' and motivation during the athlete's time in the program

  • Athlete's programs are monitored and adjusted to optimize results and accommodate changes or challenges.

  • Communicate with the coach via text or email whenever you reach out and expect a response within scheduled office hours of the day. 

  • Education on proper mindset and lifestyle choices to support their goals

  • A welcome Zoom call with club members to connect and introduce the program.

  • Free access to the TrainHeroic training app.

LTAD - Club and Team Training

  • To purchase the LTAD - Club and Team training plan, please get in touch with Len at for pricing and training options.

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